Because Biology: Orgasms Help Cure More Than Just Headaches

By: rmx_test

Simply, an orgasm is the feelings of ultimate pleasure that flood your body during the climax of sex. Tension is decreased and pleasure is increased as endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin are released in your brain and body. Endorphins are natural opiates and your body's way of masking pain and increasing a feeling of euphoria. They are pretty awesome little dudes. 


These hormones are a great cure for headaches. But did you know that regular climaxes can help you increase your health and well-being even further? 

Orgasms start up the sympathetic nervous system, which is the same system that ends hiccups when you are suddenly scared. An orgasm can cure your hiccups if they are caused by a lack of CO2. A climax increases both blood flow and breathing, therefore naturally increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. This knowledge gives us a different take on the story of a poor man who was documented having hiccups for 60 years!

Lessen Anxiety AND Acne
Orgasms release muscular and psychological tension. Oxytocin is released in the bloodstream, hence its' nickname, the love hormone, and it decreases overall stress. To engage more in both self-pleasure and sex with a partner that end in orgasm floods the body with the oxytocin that releases all forms of stressful tension. When tension is released from the body, inflammation is decreased and that means less acne.  

Better Immune System
Orgasms also release DHEA, a chemical that balances your immune system, promotes bone health, and helps repair torn tissue. An increase in DHEA also helps scare away heart disease and increase your lifespan. Orgasms can even help with healthy eating habits with the release of phenethylamine, which is a natural stimulant that decreases your appetite.  

If you want to lose a pound or two and keep it off then have more and more sex. Lesson your chance at heart disease by having lots and lots of sex. Clear your skin and decrease depression by having a ton of sex.  The hormones released into your body will keep you healthy, curb your cravings, and burn calories. The widespread health benefits of having an orgasm all stem from those precious hormones. Great sex equals a healthy life. 

If you have any questions on how to enhance your sex life, contact us. Romantix is here for you.